Horizontal Integration
A company's ownership of radio, television, newspapers, books and magazines. News Corp is a good example of this, as Rupert Murdoch who owns the company also owns 20th Century Fox, and various popular newspapers.
This helped with the creation of the Hollywood 3-D blockbuster Avatar.
Another example of Horizontal Integration in simpler terms is if a hot-dog seller decides to sell burgers as well as hot-dogs.
Vertical Integration
Vertical integration is when a company can produce, distribute and exhibit a film as it owns various forms of media. Vertical integration is when a company expands its business into areas that are at different points of the same production path.
An example of this could be Apple, as they have created various versions of the iPod as well as the iPad.
A car company that expands into tire manufacturing would be an example of vertical integration. A company such as this is often referred to as vertically integrated.
Above the Line Marketing
(ATC) advertising which has to pay for the space eg TV, Press, Print, Cinema or radio space, all of which costs money. Refers specifically to advertisements related to things people can see.
Below the Line Marketing
(BTL) Below the line refers to things that happen in the background. Flyers, email marketing, word-of-mouth, inner circle marketing, etc. that is not easily detected by your competition.
In other words, ATL has a higher public branding effect, BTL does not have that much of a public branding effect - ATL is often used to generate mindshare, BTL is used to generate loyalty and repeat readership.
Above the Line & Below The Line Summary
In a nutshell, while ATL promotions are tailored for a mass audience, BTL promotions are targeted at individuals according to their needs or preferences. While ATL promotions can establish brand identity, BTL can actually lead to a sale
Synergy Marketing
Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect.
Basically it means that a team effort will produce a better result overall than if the individual members of the team are working singly or where different individuals work cooperatively to produce a single outcome. This has been taken from the premise that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Viral Marketing
By diversifying business interests, the risks inherent in operating in a single market are mitigated.
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